
Photoshop CC 2019 || Free Download

    Saksham Goel
    0 Likes | 77 Views | Sep 12, 2024

    Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Systems for mac-OS and Windows. The latest version of this software just came out last month with really cool and exiting features. If you want to download Adobe Photoshop CC 2019, click on this link :  



    This is the latest and the greatest software to edit your photos on. This software has the ability to compose, edit and grade photos. With the release of the latest version, almost all of the features of Adobe Lightroom is built in the form of included plugin. (Details Below) Without further a do, lets see what this new software has to offer us.........


    •  Mode Preview : 

    Finally Adobe decided to give us a preview when we apply filters or blending modes to the image. This saves a lot of time compared to earlier when we have to apply it first. This opened a whole new gate for the editors to work quickly and efficiently on their work.

    • Content Aware Fill :

    A Whole new tab has been made for our lovely content aware fill which is found under edit tab. It now includes Scale and Rotation saving a lot of time doing cloning. This Introduced patching area to figure out from where you want Photoshop to to select to fill in the area. Also AI has been included so that this system understands the scenery well.

    • Changes to Undo :

    From the Starting, Photoshop had the weird setup to undo functionality. But now it has been corrected, earlier Ctrl or Command + Z triggered back and forth Changes. To go back entirely you have to do  Ctrl or Command + Alt or Option + Z. Now it has been reversed as all other softwares use this.

    • Text Tool : 

    In every version of Photoshop to date, you’ve had to hit the Enter key to apply a text change. Now, you simply click away from the object to apply the change. Most users will, however, appreciate the fact that you can now edit a text object by double-clicking it with the Move Tool, rather than having to select the Type tool first. Dragging with the Type tool to create an area type box will now by default fill the box with sample Lorem Ipsum text, but it’s easy to just delete this if you don’t want it, and there’s a Preferences checkbox to turn off this feature if you never want to use it.

    • Camera Raw :

    This was the most awaited feature of all time. Now, Camera Raw Plugin is officially installed into the Photoshop as a filter. This the the filter by which you can do all your photo grading inside Photoshop itself. Now no one needs Lightroom for our Editing. This Filter opens Lightroom with all of its tools inside Photoshop. Two softwares instead of one is much worse, that is why Adobe decided to keep merge Lightroom with Photoshop.

    • Tool Preview :  

    This was introduced since Photoshop 2016 but it was in beta stage. Now it is officially launched. This gives a better idea what each tool does as the small pop-up view.

    • Frame Tool :

    A wholly new feature is the ability to convert any shape into a frame, by right-clicking its name in the Layers Panel choosing Convert to Frame from the contextual menu. You can now populate that frame by dragging any image into it from your desktop, and it will be automatically scaled to fit. You can also convert a text layer into a frame, enabling you to fill that text with texture or images faster than was previously possible.

    • Alignment : 

    The best in the class align feature has made its way into Photoshop CC 2019. This helps to Align any layer or text with respect to an object or the frame. This feature was the only king in Adobe Illustrator which has finally made its way to our favorite software.

    • Transform : 

    When scaling text or pixel layers, you have previously had to hold the Shift key in order to maintain proportions. Now, proportions are maintained as a default, and you hold the Shift key to unconstraine that feature. Again, this will take some getting used to, but again, for the majority of users who always want to keep layers in the same proportion when scaling, this will be a simpler way of working. When scaling other layers such as shapes, the old behavior is retained.


    • Speed :

    Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 from last year was very hefty for normal computers. Many artists started shifting softwares due to this lag, but now, it has been improved and optimized for normal computers too.

    • Selection :

    Major problem I face with the earlier version of this software was the selection. Quick selection tool and Pen tool was not good in addition to Color Range. In this version, all this jaggedness has been improved and optimized.